Mohsen Fouladpour

Mohsen Fouladpour
was born in: 1359 Tehran
Mohsen Fouladpour criticizes social relations in his recent collection and talks about the death of a warrior in the present era. In his opinion, when people get close to each other, they hurt each other; Because thinking and rationality have no place in our behavior, and violence and immorality have replaced them, as if the values ​​have been reversed in the current society.

| The Artist’s works gallery |


| The Preview suggestion of the artist’s work |

.   Title of the work:



Price :


To purchase the work, send a message to  the telegram of the preview sales unit

Solo exhibitions
Group exhibitions
هنرمند بعدی
Mohadese Movahed
هنرمند قبلی
Nogul Mazloumi